304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

We offer a variety of information technology solutions.

Our specialty is in live streaming, social media management, web design and hosting, webinar services (predominantly for educational institutions) and information technology and multimedia consultancy services…

Live Streaming

We stream your content around the world for just about any event you can think of-
from corporate presentations to conferences and more. It is worth noting that live streaming provides a myriad of benefits to an organization or its brand;

First off, streaming events and content live on the web makes it accessible to a worldwide audience regardless of geographical and physical restrictions. Live streaming also gives your brand a better exposure. The best thing about live streaming is the fact that you can m ake your audience larger simply by streaming meaningful content online. Live streams offer rich, tangible content that are highly desirable and a lot of fun to peruse, not to mention very informative. Live streaming also provides multiple tools you can use. There are lots of apps and tools that can be used to show who your brand is via live streams. There are basically no restrictions as far as live streaming is concerned. Live streaming as a branding and marketing tool makes interaction seamless, fun and you can generate lots of leads this way.

First off, streaming events and content live on the web makes it accessible to a worldwide audience regardless of geographical and physical restrictions. Live streaming also gives your brand a better exposure. The best thing about live streaming is the fact that you can m ake your audience larger simply by streaming meaningful content online. Live streams offer rich, tangible content that are highly desirable and a lot of fun to peruse, not to mention very informative. Live streaming also provides multiple tools you can use. There are lots of apps and tools that can be used to show who your brand is via live streams. There are basically no restrictions as far as live streaming is concerned. Live streaming as a branding and marketing tool makes interaction seamless, fun and you can generate lots of leads this way.